
How you can help:

Your tax-deductible donations will go towards our Aviation-STEM related programs, including:

  • Helping to invest in our Part 107 Drone Pilot, Build A Drone and Maintenance Programs
  • Funding our local Aviation STEM Scholarships for underserved Youth!
  • Supporting our community outreach events to area-wide Middle and High Schools
  • Corporate sponsorship, In-kind or Individual donations in support of our mission and goals

Help us buy an FAA-Approved Flight Simulator!

A flight simulator would help us provide affordable flight training to hundreds of aspiring pilots!

Infinity Aero Club Tampa Bay, Inc is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit educational organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law. You may view our proof of exemption here. All charitable donations (via cash, check, credit card, direct debit, stock/property, in-kind) received by Infinity Aero Club Tampa Bay, Inc are non-refundable.
Infinity Aero Club Tampa Bay, Inc | Tax ID: 85-1110607.